Angus the Cat

Angus the Cat
by Eleanor MacLean

This is Angus Clyde MacKenzie MacLean, 1963 – 1977, known now as Angus the Cat rather than Angus the Son-in-law.
He was an amputee because at age three he was hit by a car on the North Kahshe Lake Road while he was out for a walk with our family. His tail was damaged and developed gangrene so the vet had to amputate his glorious grand plume of a tail. After making some adjustments in balance going around corners and jumping up to the windowsill, he carried on the rest of his life with aplomb if not with a plume.
He had size and presence enough to frighten strangers. Many times I observed him respond to an attacking dog, even a big dog, by arching his back to make himself look larger, sneer, and casually saunter away. He drew blood on one German shepherd who had been terrorizing him for weeks by trapping him, jumping on his back and digging his claws in. The shepherd avoided him after that.
He was taught as if he were a dog because Gary did not want a cat so on order he would “get in the car”, “go for a walk”, “sit up” and “roll over” and he also was a great security cat who took his job of protecting the children very seriously.
This picture was in the CIBC Employees’ newsletter under the heading Stored in the Vault for Safekeeping, because he walked all the way over to the bank with the baby carriage and children and me and I did not know how to keep him safe in the busy plaza so I told the bank manager that I was a shareholder and asked if they would keep him locked up for me while I did my shopping.